📡 聖殿情報


🗽Vice President Pence on U.S.-China Relations 2019


Remarks by Vice President Pence at the Frederic V. Malek Memorial Lecture




ペンス副大統領は、今回はワシントン DC の「第1回フレデリック V マレック記念講演会」で話をされました。

「フレデリック V マレック」は今年2019年の3月に亡くなられた。83歳で亡くなっています。「フレデリック V マレック」はマリオットホテルとノースウェスト航空の社長もされて、ニクソン大統領、それからジョージブッシュ大統領などの政策アシスタントを務め、50年以上にわたって、政治をサポートして来ました。

「フレデリック V マレック」は、ウエストポイント=陸軍士官学校の訪問者の理事長を務めていました。アメリカという国を愛した人の名前を冠した「フレデリック V マレック記念講演会」で、ペンス副大統領が最初の演説者となったということになります。





・20年足らずの間に中国の GDP ばかりが伸びてしまって過去17年間で9倍以上の成長になった。逆にアメリカの赤字が膨らんでいる。



🗽Vice President Pence on U.S.-China Relations on Oct. 2019
(English 8 min)
場:Speech on China
所:Washington D.C.


マイク ペンス:

Well, thank you all for that warm welcome! I come here today to discuss a subject on which much of the destiny of the 21st century will hinge: the United States relationship with China.

サンキュー オ-ル フォア ダット ワ-ム ウェルカム。私が来たのは、21世紀を決める大きな運命の課題について議論する為です。それはアメリカ合衆国が持つ中国との関係です。

One year ago this month, I spoke about many of Beijing’s policies most harmful to America’s interests and values,


from China’s debt diplomacy and military expansionism; its repression of people of faith; construction of a surveillance state; and, of course, to China’s arsenal of policies inconsistent with free and fair trade, including tariffs, quotas, currency manipulation, forced technology transfer, and industrial subsidies.


The Communist Party in China has arrested Christian pastors, banned the sale of Bibles, demolished churches, and imprisoned more than one million Muslim Uighurs.


We’ve held Beijing accountable for its treatment of Muslim minorities in Xinjiang when, just last month, President Trump imposed visas restrictions on Chinese Communist Party officials,


as well as sanctions on 20 Chinese public security bureaus and 8 Chinese companies for their complicity in the persecution of Uighurs and other Chinese Muslims.


And as millions have taken to the streets in peaceful protest,
we’ve spoken out on behalf of the people of Hong Kong.


And President Trump has made it clear from early on that there must be a peaceful resolution that respects the rights of the people of Hong Kong, as outlined in the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration.

そしてプレジデント トランプが当初からクリアにしました。平和的な解決をするべきだと。その解決は香港の人々の権利を尊重するものだと。1984年英中共同声明で概略が説明されている通りに

These are all historic actions. And no President before has so vigorously advanced America’s interests in our relationship with China.


under President Donald Trump’s leadership, the United States is treating China’s leaders exactly how the leaders of any great world power should be treated

プレジデント ドナルド トランプの統率力の下(もと)、アメリカ合衆国は、中国の指導者たちを世界の大国の指導者として扱っています。

with respect, yes, but also with consistency and candor. And in that spirit of candor,


I must tell you that in the year since my Hudson speech, Beijing has still not taken significant action to improve our economic relationship.

言っておくべきことは、私のハドソンスピーチ以来、この1年、北京(英語:ベイジン)は 経済関係を改善するための意味あるアクションをいまだに取っていません。

And on many other issues we’ve raised, Beijing’s behavior has become even more aggressive and destabilizing.


On the trade front, this past May, after months of painstaking negotiations resulted in mutual agreement on many key matters, at the last moment, China backed away from a 150 page agreement, sending both sides back to square one.


Despite China’s promises to crack down on Chinese fentanyl and other synthetic opioids,


the truth is, those deadly drugs also continue to flood across our borders, claiming the lives of thousands of Americans every month.


And today, China’s Communist Party
is building a surveillance state unlike anything the world has ever seen.


Hundreds of millions of surveillance cameras stare down from every vantage point.


Ethnic minorities must navigate arbitrary checkpoints where police demand blood samples, fingerprints, voice recordings, and multiple angle head shots, and even iris scans.


While China’s leaders stood in the Rose Garden in 2015 and said that its country had, and I quote, “no intention to militarize” the South China Sea,


Beijing has deployed advanced anti-ship and anti-air missiles atop an archipelago of military bases constructed on artificial islands.

北京は人工島の上に建設した軍事基地の頂上に高度な対艦および対空ミサイルを 配備しました。

In the East China Sea, in 2019, our close ally, Japan, is on track to scramble more fighter aircraft sorties in response to Chinese provocations than in any previous year in history.


And China’s Coast Guard has sent ships for more than 60 days in a row into the waters around the Senkaku Islands, which are administered by Japan.


China is also using its “One Belt, One Road” Initiative to establish footholds in ports around the world,


ostensibly for commercial purposes, but those purposes could eventually become military.


We see now the flag of Chinese ownership flying today in ports from Sri Lanka to Pakistan to Greece.


But nothing in the past year has put on display the Chinese Communist Party’s antipathy to liberty so much as the unrest in Hong Kong.


Hong Kong has served as an important gateway between China and the wider world for 150 years.


Hong Kong is a living example of what can happen when China embraces liberty.


And yet, for the last few years, Beijing has increased its interventions in Hong Kong and engaged in actions to curtail the rights and liberties of its people


rights and liberties that were guaranteed through a binding international agreement of “one country, two systems.”


But President Trump has been clear, as he said in his words, “The United States stands for liberty.”

しかしトランプ大統領は常にクリアでした。彼自身の言葉でこう言いました。「ディ ユナイテッド ステイツ スタンズ フォア リバティ」アメリカ合衆国は自由の為に立ちます。

We respect the sovereignty of nations. But America expects Beijing to honor its commitments,


and President Trump has repeatedly made it clear it would be much harder for us to make a trade deal if the authorities resort to the use of violence against protestors in Hong Kong.


Since then, I’m pleased to observe that Hong Kong authorities have withdrawn the extradition bill that sparked the protests in the first place, and Beijing has shown some restraint.


In the days ahead, I can assure you, the United States will continue to urge China to show restraint, to honor its commitments, and respect the people of Hong Kong.


And to the millions in Hong Kong who have been peacefully demonstrating to protect your rights these past months, we stand with you.

何百万人にものぼる香港の人々、その人々は平和に抗議活動を行ってきました。あなた方の権利をこの数カ月にわたって守って来た人々と、ウィー スタンド ウィズ ユー。我々はあなた方と共に立ちます。

We are inspired by you. You have the prayers and the admiration of millions of Americans.


Thank you. God bless you. And God bless the United States of America.

サンキュー。ガド ブレス ユー。
エンド ガド ブレス ディ ユナイテッド ステイツ オブ アメリカ。

▼トランプ大統領 2017年韓国国会演説 "Do not try us"
