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☢Nuclear war would kill more than 5 billion people

💀核戰爭時 飢餓로 53億名 死亡


때:2022年8月17日 水曜日
場:韓國語 킹즈 리포트


美國과 러시아 사이에 全面(전면) 核戰爭(핵전쟁)이 發生(발생)하면 1억5천만t의 그을음과 먼지로 因(인)한 氣候變化(기후변화)로 3~4年間 世界食糧生産量(세계식량생산량)의 90% 정도가 줄면서 飢餓(기아)로 53億4千萬名이 死亡(사망)합니다.


In the worst-case scenario involving the U.S. and Russia, this would rise to 90 percent three to four years after the fighting ended. Crop declines would be the most severe in the mid-to-high latitude nations, including major exporters such as Russia and America.

